Feels Good To Be Newtritionsavvy!

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Friends! It’s Thursday. You know what that means? Almost the weekend. I am happy to report after two months of diving into the new year my workouts and progress have beeen quite succesful. I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to planning my week and where my time is spent. I mention all the time that I don’t have alot of exactly that….time. Between 2 jobs, you really have to be disciplined and strategic when it comes to planning 5 workouts a week. I have managed to maintain 3 circuit workouts, one yoga class and one Soul Cycle class a week. At first, I was like holy cow this is alot but the more you do it the more routine it becomes and the better you get. Who can argue with that?

Here are some tips to Track  Your Fitness without jumping on that scale we all love so much.

  1. But first….take a selfie. There is nothing better than documenting progress. Yes, we all want to look great after our first workout but is that realistic? Probably not. What is realistic is seeing the progress you make in just 2 weeks, a month, 2 months etc. I always take pictures to remind myself that my workouts actually ARE working and I am seeing a shift in the way my body looks. Side by side pictures are a great way to track the changes being made. Also remember, you actually DO have to TRY to put in effort to see change!! Don’t forget that!
  2. Tracking is the name of the game. If we don’t remember we didn’t do it, right? Wrong! It’s so important to not only track your workouts but also track the food you are consuming. It’s easy to think we are commited without holding ourselves accountable, but in the end when you write down the action you are completing you will start to see the results. A detailed calendar of your week ahead can really do wonders for your workout/eating routine. I know for myself, when I have things come up during the week- I rearrange ahead of time which workout will work best on each day. Pre planning. Like they say, Fail to plan…plan to fail.
  3. How do your clothes fit? This can be the ultimate tell all of how your progress is coming along. Yes our clothes fit all the time, but the way they fit is the real question. There’s nothing more exciting than putting on your pair of favorite jeans that fit just a little less snug then a few weeks prior. Maybe the scale lies(I think it does haha), but your clothes never will. Let’s face it….they make us! Sometimes we feel sexy, frumpy, athletic all based on how we feel in our clothes. Am I right ladies??
  4. Increasing Strength. I have noticed in the last 8 weeks that my strength and ability to life heavier and go longer during my workouts has significantly increased. The ab circuit no longer makes me feel like I want to die! The barbell cleans are no longer a fear because I can actually add 10 lbs to the bar and do them right! What a rewarding feeling. Progress not perfection. I remind myself of this all the time. If you can do more today than you did yesterday than you are on your way. Believe that.
  5. Stop stressing. The scale is the scale. I speak for myself when I say my weight has nothing to do with the way I look and feel. (Within reason). In the last 2 months I haven’t really lost weight but if you see a before and after picture from January 1 to February 25 you will see inches gone and a major strength increase. Changing my perspective to “where I want to be and am I putting in the work to get there?” has also helped with my confidence. Any success in life takes time and hard work. Your body rewards those that dedicate time to take care of it. It’s your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.

How do you track your fitness progress? I would love to hear!

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